One day my story will be used by God to give other people inspiration and hope.
Some day the story of my life will show how great God is and how He works all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
If you who read this had intimate knowledge of the ”right now” situation that I am in you might be amazed (as I am) how much faith it takes for me to say this. If you know all of the details of my story to this very moment you would not be able to connect the dots and see the Glory of God.
The right now is a treacherous place. It is a danger zone and seems to be getting more and more dangerous by the day.
“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
One day my story will be an inspiration to other Christ followers. One day the story of my life will be a story of hope of what God can do. One day my story will be complete and will make sense to those who hear my story.
That is why I created this website and this blog when I did.
I started this blog and this website and the effort to tell my story in a dark tunnel of life. I started this for reference for those who are in a struggle. One day the miracle of God at work in my life will be seen in the reference of time. My story will be seen across the chasm of the difficult circumstance.
This part of my story is the most important part to tell. Not describing the details of the misery but sharing the fact that my current spot in life is dark and difficult.
From this position of darkness, which those who read my words will know more fully over time, I can Praise God! I thank You God for loving me! Thank You God for saving me! Thank You God for allowing me to have fellowship with your children. Thank You God for allowing me to see that I must become more Christ like. Thank You God for allowing me to see how I must serve your children and thank You God for allowing me to capture the vision for sharing the gospel.
One day I will have an amazing story to tell that will encourage many of God’s children.
If the story were to end right now at this moment or probably any time soon the story would be a tragedy.
Right now it is a tragedy. It feels bad and it is extremely difficult.
But one day this story will be used by God for the hope and encouragement for His children and that will have made it all make sense and be worth the endurance of tough times.
